This just in….

10/6/2023 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass

POSTED ON: OCTOBER 6, 2023 – 3:55PM

easton in the fall

Good afternoon,

We received word this week that the Aspetuck Land Trust received the state’s contribution to the purchase of 18.9 acres along the Mill River to complete the sale, which we had been working on for several years. The land trust wired the town $470,000 to complete the sale and is now in legal possession of the property. This guarantees that the land will be protected in perpetuity. The land trust plans to name the property after the former First Selectman of Easton, William (Bill) Kupinse and his wife, Patricia. The town and the land trust are thrilled to have finished this acquisition. There are many people to thank for their hard work in making this happen. We plan to have a ceremonial closing to recognize as many of those folks as we can. You can read the official press release in the Courier at: The ceremonial closing will be held at the South Park property, 18-22 South Park Avenue, Wednesday, October 11th at 2:00pm. All are welcome.

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